Tag - Risk assessment

Eggs: nutritional and hygienic aspects

Eggs are a nutritious and versatile, relatively cheap and easy-to-find foodstuff that, either directly or as an ingredient in other preparations, characterises the usual diet of a large part of the world's population. Nutritionally, they are a source of protein of high biological value, being complete with all essential amino acids, and are rich in nutrients such as vitamins B12, [...]

Chemical food contaminants: MOAH and MOSH

Chemical food contaminants are defined as chemical substances not intentionally added to food and feed that may be present in them as a result of various steps in their processing or transportation. Chemical contaminants are: heavy metals; inhibiting substances; residues of previous plant protection products in primary production; chemical migration substances from contact surfaces and packaging materials that are not [...]

Occupational health and safety: risk assessment, rights and duties

We hear more and more often about safety in the workplace and the prevention of related risks. The awareness that work can bring about changes in health has its origins in the past. Through continuous study and growing attention to human health, in 1948, health was recognized as a fundamental right, through the approval of Article 32 of the Constitution [...]

Health and safety at work: the Risk Assessment Document

According to Article 17 of Legislative Decree no. 81/08 among the activities that cannot be delegated by the Employer there is the so-called Risk Assessment. All companies with at least one worker are, in fact, required to map out the risks to the health and safety of workers in the company. The Employer, supported by the Head of Prevention and [...]